Director Profile
David Bennett
DAVID BENNETT is the Executive Director of the Wiscosnin Retired Educators Association, replacing Jane Elmer, who retired in early 2012. Dave is very excited to be working with retired educators, and feels he has come full circle in the education arena.
Dave is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and Journalism; Master of Arts Degree in Journalism and a Ph.D. Degree in Education and Mass Communication.
He was a high school English and journalism teacher and coached various sports. Dave was an Associate Professor in Journalism at Northern Arizona University.
Before coming to WREA, other work experiences included starting his own company as a contract lobbyist, Executive Director for several state-wide associations and fund-raising. His job at WREA puts all of his skills and talents to work
Dave lives in Madison with his wife Beth who is also an Executive Director of a statewide organization.