Director Profiles

Wille Backes

Willie retired in 2016 after 40 years in Respiratory Therapy at University Hospital and Clinics (UWHC) in Madison. He worked in the Trauma Center for 5 years, then managed the equipment and supply side of RT. He was also involved in new construction and remodeling projects at UWHC.

He joined AFSCME Local 171 in 1978 and soon became Treasurer. He helped AFSCME Local 1942 get up and running when UWHC became a Public Authority July 1, 1996. He was its first Treasurer and authored its bylaws and constitution. He was on the Bargaining team for 8 years and Treasurer for the last 16 years before he retired. He served on the Council 24 State Employees Board 5 years, 3 as Treasurer. He is a longtime delegate to South Central Federation of Labor.

Willie was born in New London, WI then came to Madison to attend the UW and never left. He has lived on Madison’s west side since 1985 with his wife Diane. They have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. He enjoys traveling, gardening, volunteering, walking and cards, especially Sheepshead. He is committed to the environment and is treasurer of 350 Madison, Inc.

Willie passed away in December of 2024